Monday, December 22, 2008


The blog is now a feed, so you can subscribe to it to get updated content as it comes in. This is just for me to play with at the moment, but someone might use it somewhere down the track.

I suppose an update is in order

Well, in the last year lot has happened: I returned to work a couple of days a week, Shawn got his Permanent Residency Visa and the family moved to the Upper North Shore of Sydney to be closer to family and to find some affordable childcare, but the major event is that Ivy was born on the 25th January, 2008. I was 17 days overdue (not a typo). I spent three days in pre-labour, no sleep and had ten hours hard-core syntocynon induced labour. My temperature rose as my body worked overtime and Ivy's heart rate started showing a few blips in response to the physical pressure I was under. So the pregnancy ended in an emergency c-section, but resulted in a smart, strong, well-adjusted, beautiful girl that I love more than I knew I could.

Christmas Illustration

The good thing about my job is that I can spend my in between times working on skills. Thus this little Christmas Landscape was born. It's also a product of my new home which is a little closer to nature... and it's fire season at this time of year. Although I have to say that I've only smelled bush fires the once so far. Let's hope it stays that way.


... although I'm quite sure no one is tuning in anymore. I keep trying to remember this or that thing that happened and can't remember (Extended baby-brain or the early onset of senility?) or want to have somewhere to post scribbles. I've been starting to feel a little more creatively inclined of late as well, so maybe that will factor in. Now that I'm a mother I'm finding there are a lot of questions I'd like to ask my mum if she was still around. I'm think that Ivy might have questions when she's older too, things that I'll have long forgotten or won't be there to answer, so this might be good for that.