Saturday, June 17, 2006

In the U.S.

I arrived in the US yesterday. I didn't get any sleep on the plane (Robyn, a quarter of a Restavit does not work... not on planes anyway). This is surprising since I'm usually capable of at least five hours sleep between Australia and the US whether I have chemical assistance or not. After this I feared that jetlag would hit me pretty hard, since it usually does anyway. Surprisingly, I've felt really good. I napped for about four hours that afternoon, was awake until 3 am, then slept for seven hours. I could've slept longer, but I didn't want to over-compensate. So I think the sleeping pattern will be okay with minimal assistance... even though coffee seemed to taste extra good this morning.

Our second day in the US was good. I'd forgotten how cheap food and clothes were here. We went out for lunch and did some clothes shopping for basics that would've cost a lot more in Sydney.

Here is a t-shirt I bought:

Here is a skirt I bought:


dani said...

when you're on holiday jetlag isn't a big issue anyway now is it?
love the top.
have fun!!!

dani said...

are these clothes from anthropologie by any chance?

s_hayley said...

Anthropologie has some great stuff, but the objective of this shopping trip was to get some stuff we needed, cheaply. So this stuff came from Old Navy.